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디아블로2 룬 디아블로2 확장팩에는 룬이 있다 룬을 쉽게 얻는 방법은 블랙마쉬에 있는 카운데스를 잡는 것이다 블랙마쉬 -> 포가튼 타워 -> 마지막 5층 스탠에서는 돌룬 까지만. 합성이 가능하다. 나는 하드코어 레더를 한다. 솔플을 하므로 룬 모으는 재미로 디아를 한다. 룬 조합 https://tradia.me/diablo2/item/2674746
머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 벽돌 저장고 (Stone Storage) 머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 벽돌 저장고 (Stone Storage) 벽돌 저장고 입니다 Tattered Stone Yard (Common) -> Basic Stone Yard (Common) -> Nice Stone Yard (Common) -> Great Stone Yard (Uncommon) -> Opulent Stone Yard (Uncommon) -> Mythical Stone Yard (Rare) -> Gigantic Stone Yard (Rare) -> Bottomless Stone Yard (Legendary) 낡은 벽돌 창고 (보통) -> 기본 벽돌 창고 (보통) -> 멋진 벽돌 창고 (보통) -> 훌륭한 벽돌 창고 (특별) -> 호화로운 벽돌 창고 (특별) -> 신화의 벽돌 창..
머지드래곤 (Merge Dragons) 마법 코인 저장고 (Magic Coin Storage) 머지드래곤 (Merge Dragons) 마법 코인 저장고 (Magic Coin Storage) 마법 코인 저장고입니다. Tattered Coin Vault (Common) -> Basic Coin Vault (Common) -> Nice Coin Vault (Common) -> Great Coin Vault (Uncommon) -> Opulent Coin Vault (Uncommon) -> Mythical Coin Vault (Rare) -> Gigantic Coin Vault (Rare) -> Bottomless Coin Vault (Rare) 낡은 코인 금고 (보통) -> 보통 코인 금고 (보통) -> 멋진 코인 금고 (보통) -> 훌륭한 코인 금고 (특별) -> 호화로운 코인 금고 (특별) -> 신..
머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 장난감 상자 (Toy Chests) 머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 장난감 상자 (Toy Chests) 장난감상자 입니다. Surprise Chest (Common) -> Robot Chest (Uncommon) 깜짝 상자 (보통) -> 로봇 상자 (특별) 이벤트에서 볼 수 있습니다. Toy Chests Merge Dragons
머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 마법 버섯 (Magic Mushrooms) 머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 마법 버섯 (Magic Mushrooms) 마법 버섯입니다. Magic Mushroom Caps (Uncommon) -> Magic Shroom Cluster (Uncommon) -> Magic Shroom Stalk (Uncommon) (Uncommon) -> Magic Shrooms (Uncommon) -> Green Dream Shrooms (Uncommon) -> Blue Belly Shrooms (Rare) -> Glowflap Shrooms (Rare) -> Dragonfan Shrooms (Epic) -> Alien Shrooms (Epic) -> Fantasy Shrooms (Legendary) -> The Golden Mushroom (Legendar..
머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 장난감 가게 (Toy stores) 머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 장난감 가게 (Toy stores) 장난감 가게입니다 Small Toy Stand (Uncommon) -> Medium Toy Stand (Uncommon) -> Big Toy Stand (Uncommon) -> Small Toy Store (Uncommon) -> Medium Toy Store (Uncommon) -> Big Toy Store (Rare) -> Giant Toy Store (Rare) -> Mansion Toy Store (Rare) -> Toy City (Epic) -> Toy Heaven (Epic) 소형 장난감 가판대 (특별) -> 중형 장난감 가판대 (특별) -> 대형 장난감 가판대 (특별) -> 소형 장난감 가게 (특별) -> 중형 장난감 ..
머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 가을 나무 (Autumn Trees) 머지드래곤(Merge Dragons) 가을 나무 (Autumn Trees) 가을나무 입니다. Autumn Leaf (Uncommon) -> Lil' Autumn Sprout (Uncommon) -> Autumn Sapling (Uncommon) -> Young Autumn tree (Uncommon) -> Bushy Autumn Tree (Uncommon) -> Mystical Autumn Tree (Rare) -> Pinkberry Autumn Tree (Rare) -> Fancy Autumn Tree (Rare) -> Broadleaf Autumn Tree (Epic) -> Great Autumn Tree (Epic) -> Brilliant Autumn Tree (Legendary) 가을 나뭇잎 (특..
머지드래곤 (Merge Dragons) 그림나무 (Grimm Trees) 머지드래곤 (Merge Dragons) 그림나무 (Grimm Trees) 그림나무 입니다 Grimm Seed (Uncommon) -> Grimm Sapling (Uncommon) -> Young Grimm Tree (Uncommon) -> Small Grimm Tree (Uncommon) -> Grimm Tree (Rare) -> Dark Grimm Tree (Rare) -> Foreboding Grimm Tree (Rare) -> Grimm Tree of Dread (Epic) -> Chilling Grimm Tree (Epic) -> Grimm Tree of Fear (Legendary) -> Grimm Tree of Despair (Mythical) 그림 씨앗 (특별) -> 그림 묘목 (특별) ->..